Category: Sale Day

Stand a Chance to win a R500 Gift Voucher

WIN, WIN, WIN with Pick ‘n Pay Clothing and Canal Crossing. If you spend more than R50-00 at Pick ‘n Pay Clothing in Canal Crossing this August you will automatically be entered to win a R500 gift voucher. Hurry up, competition ends 31 August 2019 at 15:00 pm. All PnP Clothing slips should be thrown into the competition box at the pay point. T&C apply. #CanalCrossing #CanalCrossingPotch #Win #PickNPayClothing

Check it out!

We’re celebrating colouring day!

We’re celebrating colouring day! Did you know that colouring reduces stress and anxiety? Visit Canal Crossing this week to colour a picture and reduce some stress. #CanalCrossing #CanalCrossingPotch #ColouringDay

Check it out!